What’s your favorite pairing with coffee?
Glam Doll Vegan Donuts, Mmm.
What’s your favorite fact about coffee?
Where to begin, just google coffee facts to get a small glimpse. I have always found this one interesting, The average coffee tree produces 10 pounds of coffee cherry per year, equalling 2 pounds green beans, or just over 1.5 pounds roasted.
What’s your dream job?
Tough one! If I was not working in coffee I would have to say my next passion would be to work with/for animals. You could find me somewhere on an acreage in the country rehabilitating farm animals while promoting compassionate living. One can dream, right?
If you could have coffee with anyone, living or dead, who’d it be?
Too many to choose, next question!
Where are you to be found when not at Peace Coffee?
Summer, most likely hiking at Afton State Park. Winter, hanging with my cats watching Fraiser.
What’s your favorite fashion faux pas to commit?
Not really sure, does wanting to own a pair of crocs count?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
CANADA! because it’s magical 😉
If someone made you into a cartoon or comic character, what would that character’s most prominent feature be?
Big eyes, and/or a messy top-knot.
What is the best bike ride you’ve ever taken & why?
I’d have to say some of my favorite rides were shortly after moving to Minneapolis where my partner and I would ride for hours getting lost along the trails, all the while discovering new parts of the city we had not seen before. We enjoyed it… That’s what matters, right?
What music keeps you going at work?
Classical & MPR.